You’ve probably seen across our social media channels that we’ve made some big changes to our melts and tealights recently. Having worked really hard over the last few months, we’re very proud to introduce our new and improved versions of some of our best sellers!
Our melts and tealights were previously in little glassine bags, of either 10 melts or 6 tealights, we’ve now upgraded to some very sweet, branded boxes which we’re all really excited about. There are lots of reasons why we decided to make the change, so for anyone who’s new around here, we thought we’d explain in a little more detail why our new, boxed tealights and melts are a lovely addition to the range…
You told us what you wanted (what you really, really wanted)
Back in January, we asked our customers what changes they’d like to see from the business in the coming year. We had two overwhelmingly popular responses; requesting larger packs of tealights and melts and bringing back Laundry Day. Over the last 6 years we’ve always listened closely to our customers and the tealight and melt requests were something that echoed our own thoughts, so along with the limited edition relaunch of Laundry Day, we did both.
Easier gifting…
We all know that tealights and melts make charming little presents, lovely stocking fillers and the sweetest pick-me-ups for friends just because. Not only are these branded boxes a lot smarter and more appropriate for a nice pressie, but they look absolutely delightful wrapped up and ribboned… (They’re also much easier to wrap which we hope will be a small mercy at Christmas time!) They even travel better, too, meaning your lucky recipient will be thrilled with their gift.
Value for money
Previously, our melts were in packs of 10 and each melt was 5g. We’ve upgraded and supersized our melts so that you don’t have to use multiples in a wax burner, one melt is plenty in the new size. The new melts, of which there are now 12 in a box, weigh a generous 17g each; giving you almost three times the amount of product for nowhere near three times the price! Similarly, tealights previously came in packs of 6, which we’ve doubled in the new packaging. We hope that this extra value will allow you to purchase your favourite scents less often, with better value for money each time you do. Not to mention all those extra evenings of enjoyment, decorated with twinkling tealights.
Sustainable sourcing
As with all that we do, we’ve taken time to get the materials and sourcing right. The new boxes of tealights and melts are super easy to recycle; they’re plastic free and made of 100% recycled card which can be recycled again. Inside, there’s some protective paper, interwoven between the layers to keep your items safe. This can also be recycled. Not only this but, as before, the aluminium cups of the tealights can be readily recycled and the leftover soy wax from the melts can be added to your compost bin.
A place for everything and everything in its place…
It may seem like a minor factor but storing loose tealights is a pain and rummaging around for the right scent in amongst a jumbled selection doesn’t really complement the stillness and calm that can be achieved by lighting candles. In their new boxes, the tealights and melts can be stacked together if you’ve got a few scents, they’re easily stored, easily identified and easily disposed of when they’ve done their jobs. We recommend keeping candles in a cool, dark place until you’re ready to light them.
How do the changes affect my subscription?
We understand that you might be worried about your subscriptions in light of all of these changes, but in short, your existing tealight or melt subscriptions will remain unchanged until August, so please don’t worry about any disruption. In August all tealight and melt subscriptions in the old-style packaging will cease. You, of course, have the option to upgrade your current subscription to the new offering to continue receiving your subscription each month beyond August. The packaging and size upgrade of the tealights and melts have led to a price increase on the relevant subscription boxes, we understand that this might not suit everyone so we’ve introduced the option to receive a box every other month instead. Please also take comfort in the fact that all of these changes should really benefit our customers, not least because each pack of melts and tealights now contain more product for the same price, which we hope will be a really positive thing – especially if you’ve found a scent that you really love.
We hope you love the changes we’ve made. If you’re concerned about anything, or require further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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